I noticed, the other day, that I don't have much respect for mats.
I look at them in their pristine state and I am dissatisfied.
This is the first mat upon which I let loose my doodling fingers.
I wanted to personalize the Costco frame for Bethany. She loved bears, so I copied some Winnie-the-Pooh illustrations in the margins. I outlined the drawings in ink and filled in with coloured pencils. So far, the copyright police have stayed away from my door.
I would like it to stay that way, so don't you tell them!
I became so enamoured of the idea that I created a frame for each of the kids around the time of their 18th birthdays.
Jon's theme was easy.
He has since spent considerable time critiquing the accuracy of my drawings, but I tell him nobody cares!
My plan is to finish each frame with a bride and groom kissing, so you can see I am woefully behind.
Annie, I need a photo of you guys kissing!
Annie was all about the dance and the music.
Sam, I need a picture of you and Charlie K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
I think I need to add some variety to that one. A guitar, maybe, and a cowboy hat.
When we repainted the living room, I framed these photos that I took on one of my NZ jaunts. The stark white mat seemed jarring against the warm browns and blues of the room, so I did some gradated shading around the openings in the mat. Once again, regular coloured pencils did the trick, along with a little finger smudging to smooth it out.
I learned this trick while shading maps in Third Form geography class.
I found this print in Mum's house. It is part of a set of three musically themed prints, one of which she had already given me in a frame. I didn't want to spend too much on the frame, so I found one that almost worked and had a friend cut the mat down to fit. Once again, it was white and looked very stark against the picture and black frame, so I used pastels in two shades, blue and black, and smudged the two colours on the mat.
I'm not totally happy with it, but I like it better than the white.
And I thought you might like to see one of the Haitian paintings that I got framed.
Painting: about $12.
Frame: $110.
Me: Happy.
Oops, Bethany reminded me of this one. I got a collage made of Elsie photos and, once again, didn't like the white mat. Bethany very carefully decoupaged some pink tissue paper over the mat.
I love it!
And that is all.