Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday savings

Here is my latest large quantity buy.
One hundred and seventy two rolls of good-quality toilet paper.  
So, I'm picky about my toilet paper, what of it?
There were some good buys at Safeway and Fred Meyer this week. Combined with some coupons from those little dispensers in the aisle and some from my coupon wallet, I paid $4 for some and $5 for the rest. I've been a little worried about my t.p. supply, only staying a couple of packs ahead of demand. Now, I think I have about a year's supply. In case of a national emergency, my bum is going to be happy. You will probably look for excuses to visit me so that yours can be happy too!
If you live in my area, the Cottonelle is on sale at our local Safeway. The coupon dispenser is right next to it and has coupons for another $2 off.
You can thank me later.
Chocolate works.