Yesterday was a scorcher, but we decided to try to play outside anyway. The north side of the house was the only place that was bearable. I missed the perfect "kids at play" shot by milliseconds....
...because Josh decided to throw a pout.
He didn't want his photo taken.
Haha, I won!
Daniel found Charlie's skateboard and rode it up and down the path.
And sat on it, looking cool.
We ventured down to the bottom of the driveway to water my roadside flowerbeds. As soon as we were done we dashed back into the house.
I spent most of the day feeding the little blighters.
My grandchildren are not (how can I put this nicely?) tidy eaters.
And they are always hungry.
When Bethany got here in the afternoon, she said Your kitchen floor looks just like mine.
Er, yes. There's a reason for that!
This lovely splotch under the bar stools... Dan-o-nino yogurt.
Peach flavour, if you must know.
Natalie said Nana, look how much is on my spoon!
The darling girl has not yet perfected the art of eating over the plate.
Daniel slept in Charlie's room. Before he went to sleep, he had to have a fan blowing on him, country music on the clock/radio, and a night light. In the morning, all four kids were sitting on the bed, playing Simpsons' Uno and singing along to country music. The room was a mess, with clothes and backpacks and blankets all over the floor. I chuckled to myself as I went about my business.
Later, Daniel came out and told me that he had tidied the room for Charlie.
My heart melted.
These kids love their Charlie.
Later, as part of the never-ending culinary fiesta, they all wanted popsicles.
The only kind in the freezer were not premium models, but all except Josh decided they would suffice.
Josh decided to pout.
Fine, I said, I don't care if you don't want a popsicle.
He relented quickly, but it was too late.
You'll have to do something to help me if you want one now, was my edict.
So he cleaned his teeth.
Nope, not good enough.
He picked up the Legos.
And got his popsicle.
Daniel loves his Nana's bread, spread with butter and peanut butter.
And cut carefully into four pieces.