Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Bethany....

...I hope you don't mind me using your children as blog fodder.
If you do...too bad!

After Daniel talked me into the sleepover, we met Jenny and the boys at the school playground.
Plastic slides do strange things to the hair of little blonde children.

The six darlings, in various states of co-operation.
Why is it that they are never all in the mood for a photo at the same time.
Oh, I know, it's because one of them is Natalie.

The sky was splendiferous.
Which I'm sure is a word, even if spellcheck doesn't think so.
Which is okay, because spellcheck doesn't think that "spellcheck" is a word.

I helped Jeff up this ladder, but he wigged out at the top so I lifted him down. 
Natalie and Josh decided to give it a go.
Natalie is not happy.
Can you tell?
Josh is dourly contemplating the wisdom of his actions.

Natalie was offered help, but determinedly backed down under her own steam.
Josh refused help and also refused to budge.

He moved his feet up a notch and found himself in a predicament.

To everything.




And then he decided to brave the mid-ladder turn-around.

Meanwhile, all the other kids are having a ball.

Back down the other side....
and then.....
For about five minutes.
He says.

Until, for no apparent reason, he backs up and he's done.

The whole time, Bethany and I were almost wetting our pants laughing.
Well, maybe I did.
Can't really speak for the state of Bethany's bladder.

And the sky was still in a state of splendour.

And then we went home.


  1. My bladder held up, but that was almost as funny the second time around!

  2. I loved this! The pictures of Josh and Natalie made me laugh and the sky really was splendiforous!
