Sunday, December 12, 2010

Co-dependent me

I was feeling sad and gloomy.
Kind of grey and Eeyore-ish.
You see, I had poured my heart and soul into the last blog post and hardly anyone had left a comment. 
Not that Kathy and Sam are "hardly anyone", but I was expecting more feedback. Nay, even crying out for it.
Well, I thought, I guess I was too grumpy. 
Or something.
Which is pretty humourous when you consider that I used to go weeks between comments. I was just looking at my Australia trip posts and noticed that there was only a comment or two on the whole trip. 
I have become dependent on approval from others.
How sad is that, when I used to blog just for the love of putting my thoughts down into writing?
And by the way, did you notice, I have a fan in Moscow?
Oops, did I just say that out loud?
Did you see Neo-neocon's comment on my Leonard post? 
I am so awesome!
Crikey, somebody shut the woman up!

Anyway, as I logged on to start this post, I noticed four unmoderated comments.
Blogger has been playing jokes on me again.
Stupid Blogger.
All that it takes to make me happy is, apparently, four comments.


  1. Getting comments is great and I'm always excited to see a follower from another country.

  2. HAHA!! You said 'Crikey'. And who is Neo-neocon? Guess I'll go find out...

  3. LOLOLOL once you've tasted the approval of others, it's hard to go on the wagon from it. I have only domestic commenters since years ago I fatally alienated my lone reader from the UK (long story).

    But nobody loves their readers and commenters more than me. Nobody.
