Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unexpected Journeys: Part II

Betcha thought I was done, huh?

After we left the pigs on the 309, we drove up the coast to Coromandel Town and the Driving Creek Railway. This railway was begun in 1975 by Barry Bricknell. Bricknell was and is a potter (an apt surname, don't you think?) and also a railway enthusiast. He envisioned a narrow-gauge railway that would climb the hills of his 60-acre property, giving him access to wood for his kilns and also the yellow clay that resulted from the weathering of volcanic rocks.

It took fifteen years and a lot of money before the railway was completed and licensed to carry passengers. The train was built at the DCR's own engineering workshop that is located next to the potteries, and today carries more passengers than raw materials. It is one of the most popular train rides in New Zealand.

Although the train ride is more profitable for the business nowadays than the pottery side of things, the whole enterprise is still really about the pottery. There are kilns and pottery everywhere, and the workshop is a Mecca of sorts for potters and glass-blowers from all over the world. Tiles and bricks have been added to the line of late and are selling quite well. My sister was eyeing the bricks pictured at the top of the page and wondering how she could use some.

I won't say the pottery is exactly to my taste, but it is prolific! 
This is also one of the largest collection of kilns in New Zealand, and here you can look into one of them.

So, after several warnings to keep our appendages inside the train, we are off!
The tracks are only fifteen inches wide and we sit two abreast.

The train gains 200 metres in altitude in the 2.6 km ride. That's 656 feet in 1.6 miles, for the metric-deficient amongst us. What is truly awe-inspiring is that Barry built most of this himself, only hiring contractors for the major earthworks. He surveyed the steep land with a homemade instrument and cut miles of tracks through the scrubby land to do it. There are several double-decker viaducts and three tunnels along the track. The feat defies my imagination. 

It was a busy afternoon, and two trains made the trip. We got some good views of the other car as we made some reversals on our switch-backing way up the mountain. 

Thousands of bottles, stabilized by dried mud, line part of the way. It is not a retaining wall, but merely a decorative way to use up the large quantities of beer bottles that were left by the workers. 

The side of the tracks are lined with decorative walls and various pottery statues and vessels.

At the top of the track is the Eye-full Tower.
Funny, I know!
The view overlooks the Hauraki Gulf and valleys covered in native forest.

Looking down on the train from the top of the tower.

The driver of the train had to hop out every now and then to change the direction of the tracks so that we could reverse into our zig-zag. He also went from one end of the train to the other several times to facilitate the same. On the way down, he sat mostly on our end and we had a good discussion about the restoration of the kauri forest that has been taking place for the last twenty-odd years.
These mountains were once covered in the magnificent, gigantic, slow-growing kauri trees, but around the turn of the twentieth century they were cut down for lumber and to make room for farmland. Fast-growing pines took their place, which have gradually been cut down and transported by the railway and used as fuel in the kilns, even as native trees have been carried back up the track and planted in their place.
The tree silhouette in the centre of the photo is a kauri. The oldest of these kauri are now twenty-six years old and about 9,000 of them have been planted. About 20,000 native trees have been planted as part of the reforestation plan.
Barry is a man of considerable forethought, and he let the National Trust take over the responsibility for his land  (although there is no public funding) with the agreement that it can never be sold. 

Back at the station, I couldn't resist a photo of this. 

By the station is a two-acre wildlife sanctuary, surrounded by a vermin-proof fence.
I need me one of those.
We were seduced by the sight and sound of a New Zealand wood pigeon, the kereru, so we followed the trail to the reserve. 
The kereru is a big bird and can live up to twenty years. Most years, they only have one chick, and none if food is scarce. They are important to the ecology of New Zealand. After the moa became extinct, the kereru was the only native bird big enough to eat and thus distribute the seeds of the large fruit of many of the native trees. It is the distributor of the seeds of over seventy native plants.

This kereru is feasting on the fruit of a nikau palm.
Earlier this year, there were reports of many kereru becoming intoxicated after gorging themselves on a bumper crop of fruit. They fell from trees, thus being vulnerable to predators. When they gorge themselves and sit in the sun for long periods to digest their food, the fruit can ferment in their crop and turn into alcohol. This is a fairly common occurrence in the late summer.
True story.

Kereru make a soft cooing sound, rather than a song, and because it is such a big bird, its wings make a loud whooshing sound as it flies. If you hear a bird crashing into a tree as it lands, it is probably a kereru.
You can listen to a kereru cooing and crashing here.

We finally dragged ourselves away from this magnificent bird, who paid not the slightest bit of attention to us, and kept walking. It was a nice little trail around lush vegetation and a pond.

There were a few weird clay sculptures on the way.

And by the time we got back to the parking lot...

...we were the only ones left.

We followed the Tapu Road on the way home, which was no better than the 309. Maybe slightly worse.
But we wanted to see the square kauri, and one must pay the price for such pleasures.
This iconic tree is the fifteenth largest on the peninsula and is estimated to be 1,200 years old.
We reached the tree by a short but steep track, including 187 steps.
No, I didn't count them.
Google is my friend.

The trunk of the tree, as you may have guessed, is strangely squared.

I am fascinated by the mighty kauri.

Back down again...

...to the road, where the sign, as are all signs in this country, is defaced by graffiti.

We realised, in looking back, that we could actually see the tree from the road.

The Tapu Road was long and winding, and it took us much longer than we expected to get home. John was late for a town meeting so we dropped him off at the fire station on our way into town.
And when I say "town", I use the word very loosely.
Anne and I were exhausted. We climbed the hill to the house and went to our respective quarters. I put on my robe and went up to the main part of the house and we laughed when we saw each other. Tired sisters in their robes!

We warmed up some dinner and turned on the television, looking for something to watch.
Imagine our amazement when this came on the screen.
The opening scenes of Prince Caspian.
At Cathedral Cove.

Where, in case you had forgotten, we had been much earlier on that very long day.
Cue the Twilight Zone theme music here.
Beat that for a coincidence!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ Happy Birthday to me ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Victoria Bell, born April 8th to Annie and Edwin. A chubby-cheeked little cherub.
The photos are small because email is very unsatisfying, as far as proxy cuddles go.

And London Estelle, born to Charlie and Sam on May 17th.
Who has received lots of very satisfying in-person cuddles in the last two days.

How lucky can a nana be?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A birthday tribute to the little 'un

Today is my little sister's birthday.
Well, it's tomorrow really, only it's tomorrow today in New Zealand, if you get what I mean.
We were born four days shy of three years apart.
Now you're really confused, huh?
During our two short weeks together last month, we spent an inordinate amount of time laughing about our similarities, even though we only lived together for fifteen years. I actually compiled a list so that I wouldn't forget.
Of course I did!
And what better day to unveil this list to the world than on Anne's birthday?

Some of the things have developed simultaneously and we were unaware of the trait in the other. 
Some of them we have introduced to each other, like this one.

Anne is a newly-born fan of Leonard's gravelly, seductive voice, as she should be!

We both love glass objets d'art, including old bottles and jars. One of our favourite pastimes is visiting fine art galleries and, even better, buying some of it. I brought home a suitcase full of pottery and old bottles that we saved from Mum's house when we cleaned it out. And I am totally jealous of these jam jars that reside in Anne's fridge, although I tried not to let it show.

No, there are no sea shells in Anne's fridge, I was just trying to be artsy.

Our penchant for pukeko garden art, and pukeko art in general, has no boundaries.

We adore travel adventures, and luckily our husbands are happy to tag along.

We love to ride in the front of fast, bouncy boats.
But you already knew that.
We dote on our grandchildren to the point of being sickening.
But you already knew that too!

We stomp when we walk, we are the Queens of Google, we love to wear our cuddly robes in the early evening, we burp when we eat apples, we give away money to all kinds of people, we have synchronized hot flashes (only she calls them "flushes", which reminds me of toilets) and we could live on soup and nothing else. As long as we were allowed chocolate, of course.

We never met a recipe we couldn't mess with, and cook more by instinct than measurement, although Anne has taken that principle to an extreme. We love to eat leftovers and never throw away food. We are frugal and responsible and downright annoyingly RIGHT most of the time. 

We love our lives, imperfect as they are, and I am grateful that, considering I wasn't a very good big sister when we were growing up, Anne still seems to love me. And I forgot to leave a birthday present for her, even though she gave me a really nice piece of glass art for mine (which is still in New Zealand, due to my overweight luggage).

My sister bears the lion's share of responsibility for our mother's care, and for that she deserves a medal. 
But all she gets is this lousy blog post.

Happy Birthday, Anne!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Unexpected Journeys: Part 1

The weather was continuing to be unseasonably fine, so on Friday we planned some journeying around the countryside.
First on the agenda was Cathedral Cove, which we had admired from the ocean a few days earlier. We arrived mid-morning and managed to snag a parking spot. (We had actually driven to the parking lot after our boat trip on Tuesday, but there was nary a parking spot in sight. It was too late in the day, and tourism is booming on the peninsula.) 
The signs predicted it would take us 45 minutes to reach the cove, but we had lots to do that day so we hoofed it, climbing over hill and dale with great speed, and made it in 25 minutes.
We felt pretty awesome!

The trail climbs up and down a lot and follows the coastal cliffs.

You can see Sail Rock off to the right, behind the big white cliff.

Here I am, trying to look Hobbit-ish and not quite succeeding.

The Cove was closed to visitors for several years, due to falling rocks. 
Not sure what changed in the meantime, but we were glad for it.

Many stairs were climbed that day, and many more descended as we reached the beach.

I had to make a dash in between waves, but somehow Anne managed to saunter casually.

It was such a glorious day, I was wishing I had brought my swimsuit.
Actually, I was wishing I looked human in a swimsuit.
My sister, on the other hand, looks quite fabulous in a swimsuit.
Not that I'm jealous or anything. If I ate as much pumpkin as she does, I would probably look good in mine too!

John, holding up Sail Rock.
Really, he is!

He got a little confused in this one and started doing his t'ai chi instead.

There is something about Sail Rock... 

The base of the rock is very eroded.

The grand pohutakawas at the entrance to the beach are covered in epiphytes.
I love epiphytes.
I also love pohutakawas.
You say poh-hoo-tah-kah-wah.
You're welcome.

Our sojourn at Cathedral Cove was short-lived, as we had places to go, so back we went.

We left the east coast of the peninsula and drove the notorious gravel 309 road to the west coast. 
There may exist in the world a more windy (long "i") and nausea-inducing road in the world, but I have not traveled it. It is only 22 kilometres long but feels much longer.

Anne and John had gone this way a couple of years earlier and have some hair-raising tales of narrow right-of-ways between road construction and sheer cliffs, but this time our trip was fairly uneventful.
As we neared the end of the road, we came across the main reason for our journey.

Stu and his pigs.
This eccentric man lives with and loves his pigs. There are about a hundred of them, by many accounts, and they wander freely around the road and his family's 500 acres and sleep in his bedroom. 
Sometimes, people drive recklessly past his farm and purposely run over the pigs, which makes Stu very sad. Mind you, one of the first things the pigs do when you pull up in a car is to try to crawl underneath it, so possibly they deserve it.

At first, we thought that Stu lived in the caravan, which was really too awful to contemplate, but he told us that he has a house on the other side of the road. The pigs inhabit this area.

This pig came over to me and promptly lay down and played dead.

The pigs come from wild stock and are dead ugly.

Ugly, I tell you!
Stu said that people often drop roosters off, so there are quite a few poultry toddling around as well.

My sister, who is the proud owner of an over-developed sense of compassion, packed a grocery bag filled with fruit from her trees, cake, and chocolate to give to Stu, thinking that maybe he doesn't eat very well. As John and I were endeavouring to cuddle one of the ugly piglets, who kept squealing at us, she went to the back of the van and opened the hatchback. 

What you see here is the aftermath, because I was nowhere near quick enough to snap a photo of what took place. As soon as Anne lifted the bag out of the van she was attacked by a bevy of pigs, the largest of which tore a hole in the bag with his prodigious teeth and the fruit went rolling around on the ground. It was snatched up by various pigs in a matter of fractions of a second. 
Anne was slightly traumatized and John and I stood watching helplessly.  

Stu holds the remaining treats (luckily, the cake and chocolate were intact) and instructed John on the finer points of piglet-holding. We finally understood that the reason the piglet kept squealing was that his tail had been mangled, something to do with a car. Which was kind of gross, if you ask me.

Stu is a conundrum. He is well-spoken and seems to be intelligent. He loves his pigs and is sad when people abuse them. He must have money, because he isn't starving, yet he lives alone and chooses to go barefoot amongst the pig poo. He is quite proud of being a tourist attraction. Who knows, I suppose, what shapes such a person's choices?

Anne said, I don't think we'll stop there again.
Good idea, I replied.