Oh dear.
Contests may be few and far between on this here blog.
I discovered this weekend that I am a BAD judge.
I just wanted to give everyone a prize for even caring enough to write a comment.
See how much I love you?
Co-dependent, more likely.
Anyway, here are the entries.
A couple of people wrote captions for this photo, even though I didn't ask for it.
Bonus points!
Ellen wrote: "I'm sure Timon never had Mondays like this..."
And Nicole (or her husband Max) suggested: "Praise peanuts! Hallelujah!"
Which took me a while to get, but then, aha, he does look a little prostrately worshipping!
Supposing that meerkats eat peanuts....
And now for the real competition.
Ellen: "What does a meerkat have to do to get a decent manicure around here?"
Lindsay, who is never short of a witty comment: "Dang, I'd make one SEXY stole..." and "Whoever wrote 'Muskrat Love' never snuggled with a meerkat..."
Lindsay earned extra points for even knowing the song "Muskrat Love", which was one of my fave 70's songs.
Lisa, being a bit of an overachiever: . . . between a rock and two furballs . . .
Are you freakin' kidding me?But Mom, I couldn't find the nailclippers!
Is that dessert you have there?
I think she was looking for extra points on that last one!
Nicole (Max): "Your hide would make a fine poncho."
And Jenny the Pirate: I hear there's a casting call for Les Mis! I am Jean Valjean!
Jenny gets extra points for managing to slip in a little French reference.
And, finally, the real extra point candidate, the Three Lemurs.
Ellen, of course.
Being just a tad competitive.
"Davey, Davey Crocket. King of the wild frontier....wait, what?"
BTW, Ellen, Crockett has two "t's".
Just thought you'd like to know.
Well, it's a tough one, but I have to go with the captions that elicited actual belly laughs.
Maybe Ellen and I have spent too much time together, because it is she.
Plus, you know, all the extra points.
Now, for all of you, um, losers, just remember this:
In the words of Casey Stengel, American baseball icon, Without losers, where would the winners be?
And, as Christopher D. Furman (who, as far as I can tell, is only famous for this quote) wrote, If you want to be a winner, hang around with winners.
So, I'll catch you all later, over at Ellen's place!
Oh, except then we'll be hanging out with losers.
Hmmmm. How does that work?
I probably should be quiet now.