Yesterday afternoon, I took Kenzie to a performance of La Boutique Fantasque by The Portland Ballet. She will attain the grand age of ten next week, so this was her present. We got all togged up and arrived in good time at the Newmark Theatre in Portland.
We had a grand conversation about the subconscious on the inbound journey. My darling Kenzie is more than a bit blonde and I'm still not sure that she understands the concept. I told her that the subconscious is the part of the brain that works on things when we're not really thinking about them. Like when we have a problem and the solution will suddenly come into our minds when we are doing something else. Or if we sleep on it and let our brain work on it overnight, sometimes we will get the answer the next day.
Kenzie grabbed onto the "problem" aspect of the explanation and regaled me for the next few miles with tales of her friends and their little social dilemmas.
And so-and-so wanted to sit by me, and so did so-and-so, so I just ....(Nana tunes out and thinks about something else for a few miles, nodding and uh-huh-ing once in a while).....and then.....blah blah blah.....and to be honest, I have no idea how the story ended.
Bad Nana.
A few minutes into the ballet, it seemed strangely familiar.
I realized that I had seen it before.
December, 2003.
Kenzie was barely three years old and it was her first ballet.
She sat, enthralled, for the whole performance.
That show was at a community college and on a much smaller scale. I think we were the only attendees who weren't related to one of the dancers.
It was oddly satisfying to watch the ballet again with an older, more mature, version of that little girl.
One who, during the performance, kept sneaking M&M's out of her pink, fuzzy purse.