Madelyn was loving holding Laree until Natalie freaked out, so then Madelyn had to join in.
Bethany, on the other hand, provided a lap and unlimited cuddles. She is a frustrated wanna-be chicken owner.
Miss M had her first ever on-her-own sleepover at Nana and Papa's house on Friday.
All went well at first. We read four books before bedtime, all about frogs and wombats and Fly Guy, who is, I think, her favourite book character ever. Then she lay on the couch for an hour or so until I took pity on her and let her come and sit with Jeff and me and watch Toy Story. Halfway through she stood up and put herself back to bed, so we did the same.
At 5 a.m. she puked all over herself and the bedding and the couch. We cleaned her and the couch up and put her back down with a bowl next to the couch in case it happened again.
Which it did.
Twice, before seven o'clock.
Not in the bowl.
The next morning she seemed better and ate a scrambled egg and wanted more, but I said we had better wait and see how her stomach was feeling. So she talked me into a fruit roll-up with tongue tattoos.
Then we went to Newberg Bakery to redeem one of her Nana coupons for a treat and she got a gluten/dairy-free brownie.
She didn't eat it all, which seemed odd because it was delicious, but I figured she was probably tired from the late night and early morning.
It was a beautiful day, so we walked to the library and I checked out Saint Odd, the last book in the Brother Odd series by Dean Koontz.
Best. Series. Ever.
And Miss M sat on the hilly bench and laughed and all was well with the world.
When we got home, we took Laree and Moe out into the back yard to play with Shirley, who did a good job of ignoring them.
Shirley, ignoring them.
I have no idea what the white blob is doing in the photo.
Later, we took Tommy and Jeff to Champoeg to work on one of Tommy's Cub Scout requirements. Which didn't happen because they closed at four and we got there fifteen minutes before that.
But we looked around the visitor's centre for a while and then Jeff took the kids for a walk while I sat in the car and read my book. And young Jeff couldn't stop talking about our campout with the cousins last summer and that made me happy.
Madelyn liked the wooden cow cutout.
And the beaver pelt.
She didn't eat much all day and when her mommy came to ukulele practice that night she threw up again. On the kitchen floor. Right after I took the bowl out from under her face.
And how I love that little face.