Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleepy Saturday

You know it's a grey day when your camera flash goes off outside.

My friend, Barb, and I walked on slightly icy streets this morning.
It made for an exciting hour.

The most excitement I've had so far today.
Although, I hold out high hopes for the evening.
We have had a rare dinner invitation. 

I went out to get the mail and look for some colour.

Hello, Mr. Pukeko.
I love you all year long.
Hello Harvey.
Nice to see you're still on the job....
...keeping that eagle eye out for any interlopers.
Little Tibetan prayer rock, or some such mumbo-jumbo.
The concept is a bit new-agey for me, but it's a bright spot.
Grey, grey, grey.
But I love my little bench.

This huechera is a sweet spot of brilliance in every season.

Hello Mr. Gnome, hangin' out with the huechera.

Ah, there it is.
My super-duper mailbox, foiling the mailbox thieves.

The perennial bed at the street.
I will post pics of this next summer and you will be amazed.

Back home again, past the brave wee flag, yet proclaiming freedom to all who pass.
And yes, the sky did get bluer as time went by.
More blue?

And the shiny blue bird bath, which still has a modicum of surface ice if you look very carefully.

Now, I think I will have a little nap.
All this excitement plumb wore me out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just because

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think that one of the most insidious concepts being pushed upon us, by the world at large, is that our value as a human being is defined by our physical beauty. Thus, we spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about and attending to the shape of our body, the symmetry of our face, the colour of our hair, the shine on our nails, and on and on it goes.

My greatest heroes, the real, live, breathing ones, are mostly beautiful of soul and very imperfect (by the world's standards) in their appearance. And while I often bemoan my wrinkles, my extra pounds, and my aching body, I cannot let that be the focus of my life, because there are so many other things that are important to me. 

That little rant being over, I cannot help myself with this baby. 
She is physical perfection.
I shall have to spend a disproportionate amount of time, as this baby girl matures, reminding her that "it's better to be nice than pretty".

So, bear with me, the doting Nana, while I share the joy.
I think her personality, which is very sweet, shines through.

Too much?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tiers of joy

The most dangerous food is wedding cake. James Thurber.

By the end of this post, you will be forced to concede that this title is a clever one.
Yes, you will.

So, what exactly does it take to make a four-layer wedding cake, twelve hundred miles from home?

1. Five pounds of butter
2. Four dozen eggs.
3. A can of cherry pie filling.

4. Three chocolate cake mixes.

5. Half a gallon of heavy whipping cream.
6. Five pounds of flour.
7. A large amount of cocoa powder, baking chocolate, and chocolate chips.

8. Buttermilk.
9. Four pounds of sugar.

10. The well-stocked kitchen of a new friend.

12. Ten pounds of powdered sugar.

13. Some Dove Promises, lovingly shaved and applied to the bride and groom's layer. By the bride.

14. Ten hours.
15. Two more friends to shave and apply chocolate to the 12" layer. (Thank you to Shauna and Pam from my poor, cramping hands.)

16. A rag-curled princess to watch over the proceedings.

17. And a cousin of the bride to apply flowers to the assembled cake.

As the bride walked past the cake, she waved her royal hand and pronounced that it needed a big flower on top.
The task was duly accomplished, in a surprising way, which will have to be published later as I missed the photo.

The suspense is killing you, I know.

EDIT: I cropped this out of one of the official wedding photos, so it's not very good resolution. The flower on top is an ornamental kale, with a couple of roses.
Probably the only wedding cake to ever be topped with kale.
Sam's purple was gorgeous.
And one of the less unflattering photos of moi and spouse.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


This post is not funny.
I am too tired to be funny.

Our baby is married.
The marriage took place at the Newport Beach LDS temple yesterday, with a small group of family and friends. A civil ceremony and reception will be held on Saturday.
Happy and pretty.
Bethany and her new sister.
Charlie said, How come my face is so big?
Sam and her mom, Doreen.
More sisterly love.
We took everyone out to Mimi's Cafe for lunch afterwards. Mimi's is my favourite Southern California restaurant.
And, y'know, some of it had to be about me! 
Jon and Kenz. They kind of look related, don't they?
Charlie's friend, Mo, and Daniel.
Sam's sister, Janelle, and our baby.
The gratis dessert for the lovely couple tasted suspiciously liquorish, in retrospect. 
Baby Elsie pictures, just because I can.
Uncle Jon thinks he's the favourite uncle. Charlie says that's okay, because he's the favourite of the rest of the nieces and nephews. I think they are both right.