Sunday, March 27, 2011

Run away! Run away!

Name that movie.
Go here  for a clue.
And feel free to leave any other splendiferous quotes from the iconic film that spring to mind.

Get on with it, Susan, get on with it!

I never thought I would be quoting Jimmy Carter, but here goes.

A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.

He must have had a good speech writer back then.
On the other hand, I love to quote Thomas Jefferson.

We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it.

And what, you are likely thinking, does that have to do with the price of tea in China? 
Well, in my short running career (which is probably overstating it), I find myself kinda hating the real runners, the ones who run eight or ten miles before breakfast. I feel intimidated and compelled to either reject the whole concept, or to attempt to keep up. When in actuality, I want to do neither. And I feel like my friends who don't run at all, or who are having a hard time getting into it, are surely bored or frustrated with having to listen to those of us who (albeit reluctantly, in my case) discuss the topic. 
So I am sensitive to that possibility and do not want to seem boastful.

Am I pushing the segue?

What I really want (tell me what you want, what you reallyreally want) is to be more fit and to lose about twenty or thirty pounds. And to be able to do it without working too hard.
Yeah, right.
So Barb and I are back to the gym, yoga classes, weight-lifting, and running on the off days. 
What I don't seem to be able to do is quit eating.
So, we'll see if it helps to add running to the mix.

Barb and I planned to participate in a 10K run on Saturday morning.
IF it wasn't raining.
And IF she slept well.
With all the outs we were allowing ourselves, it's a wonder we actually showed up.
We were not going to push ourselves too much, as we've never before run that far.
A reasonable mixture of walking and running would do the trick, we figured.

Yeah right!
You know how it is, once you start running and the rest of the pack is already out of sight, you're going so slow.
And the police car is on your tail, making sure you don't get lost or have a heart attack.
And Barb, who's lost 20lbs recently, seemed determined to be an animal.
So we ran.
And ran.
And ran.

Until the end was in sight.
And there we were.
And it didn't rain on us.
One hour, eleven minutes, and a few seconds.
Nothing to brag about, and we were dead last (which is historically true to form, in my case) but a severe accomplishment for us to even finish.
And I'm starting to see that being a runner might be in my future, if the old bod doesn't fall apart.
My hips are not sure that they agree.
Which is really weird, because my whole life, I have been dead set against the concept.

I blame it all on Brenda.

P.S. Thanks to Kathy D. for the pics. We didn't look too bad, did we?


  1. Well done! Congratulations! And you do look great! :)

  2. Yay!! I'll take the blame! Check out my blog. We were riding the same brain-wave.

  3. You looked great! I'm totally impressed. That was a long run! I have no interest in running myself, but I think it's inspiring to read about everyone's efforts and goals. And who knows, maybe someday I'll have a change of heart and join you all. :)

  4. Monty Python. Love it - you guys are A-mazing. :)

  5. Two hot mamas, if you ask me. Proud of you both!

  6. Way to go Sue!!! I think it is wonderful that you SHOWED UP and more importantly the you FINISHED!!!! You are an inspiration- literally. I have been toying with the idea of running for a while now, and have even occasionally jogged for a bit while out on a walk. I am very impressed and determined to do better myself!

  7. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!!!" (And I didn't need the hint!)
    Oh, and your Spice Girls quote made me almost wet myself... ;)
    Those pics are fantastic and YAY for running!!!!! Hope to see you again at the next event!

  8. We are looking for a shrubbery!
    So, Lindsay, I think you were the only one who noticed the singing. Can't get anything past you.

  9. I'm very impressed and happy for you! I can't imagine accomplishing that. I ran my first 5K about 5 years ago and my hips haven't forgiven me yet, and I've been in hip therapy ever since. I'm lucky to be able to walk 1 1/2 miles now. I am hoping to be able to walk the 5K this summer that Brenda has planned in Dayton, but will have to see how it goes. So yeah.... I'm amazed and glad you could do what you did.... and a bit envious and sad that my body decided to betray me! I would love to have joined you.

  10. Betty, that's a bummer. I didn't even know you had been running. Betrayal by one's own body is the worst. My hips seem to have recovered, so I hope it's just a strengthening thing. This year's run is in Dayton?

  11. "Bring out your dead!" "Just a flesh wound!" "Come back here, I'll bite your legs off!"

  12. First of two (or possibly more) comments:

    Having read only the first few lines, and without looking, reading any further, or consulting the remarks of previous commenters, I am going to say Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.

  13. Oh. NOW I get it. I thought your movie quote was "Get on with it, Susan. Get on with it." And I love the way Cary Grant says Kate Hepburn's character name of Susan in Bringing Up Baby. Really funny.

    I don't know from Monty Python movies, never actually having seen any.

    And I don't run. Walking is the best exercise in the world but as you well know, I can barely do that.


  14. Sorry to confuse you, Jenny. it was just me, talking to myself, as usual.

  15. I thought all your quotes were from movies and I was going to say Chicken Little for the Spice Girls' song.Ha,Ha Congrats on your run. More power to you!

  16. Way to go, Sue! You are awesome! And you both look great in those pictures!
