Monday, April 4, 2011

Weirdness in the morning

It's been a strange day so far.
First, it was raining (nothing strange about that) so Barb and I decided to try our walk after I got done with my morning elderly group. 
On the way to the care home, I remembered that I had a preschool group right afterwards that I had forgotten to write on my calendar.
Phew, I thought, Thank goodness I remembered that. Thank you, Lord, for reminding me, even though I didn't talk to you this morning.
Then, I got to the care home, only to find another musician unloading his amps at the front door. Turns out he wasn't supposed to be there, but I kindly rescheduled my group for next week and left him to it. Wasn't sure why I did that, but decided, driving home, that it will get me in tight with the activities director, if nothing else!

I came home and took care of some phone calls and emails, cleaned the kitchen and cooked mushrooms for Jeff's dinner. They were a little on the old side and needed to be used. Sauted 'em up with some butter, sea salt and pepper and then added a little cream. They looked pretty good. I left shortly afterwards for the Cultural Center for my kiddy group. As I pulled up to the building, something told me to call my neighbour and ask her to check on the mushrooms. But I know I turned them off, I thought to myself. I called anyway and told Carol that I was 99% sure I had turned off the stove, but would she check just in case?

When I got home about 90 minutes later, the pan was on a different element and the 'shrooms looked kinda dry. I called Carol.
I left them on, didn't I?
Sure enough, I did.

One of my favourite cooking blogs is Mennonite Girls Can Cook. Every Sunday they post a spiritual message. I particularly liked yesterday's post, on the 121st Psalm, because I've been feeling distanced from my faith lately. It got me thinking about all of the love and care I've received from God in my life. The author of the post also composed her own psalm. Go check it out, it's very sweet.

Psalm 121
 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not  slumber.
 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

And, a little ray of sunshine on this rainy day. Look what I got from UPS and the mail lady this morning:

A set of Anew Rejuvenate face care from Avon, which was a bit of a mystery until I figured out I had signed up for a free sample of it. But what a sample! I think these may be full-sized specimens,
And a little pouch of hair and face care products from Target. Sweet!
And a wee packet of Stevia to try.

So, it's still raining and I still didn't get my walk in. 
But there's a cozy fire in the wood stove, I have received more of God's grace than I deserved, and I think I will stay home for the rest of the day and not tempt fate any further.


  1. I love that Psalm, and thanks so much for posting it in KJV. So beautiful. What a great haul of goodies! BTW I am writing that book. Thanks for the encouragement.
