Thursday, February 20, 2014


The snow, oh, the snow. It came in on Thursday night and by Friday night it had pretty much shut everything down. We in western Oregon are not equipped with things like snow shovels and snow ploughs, so we hunker down and live on hot chocolate and Netflix, which isn't completely a bad thing.
Except for the twenty pounds of red fingerling potatoes that I naively left in the shed, half of which froze and had to be eaten promptly. Can I just say that frozen/thawed/raw potatoes are not a nice thing. They ooze potato juice over everything, so that even when they are cooked deliciously, all you can think about is the black ooze.

But there was this:

And everything was delightfully white and pristine for about three days until the weather warmed.

A couple of weeks earlier, we were out at the Ranch and things were very frozen.
We never get tired of this view.

And a couple of weeks before that, we took Thomy and Jeff to see one of Josh's basketball games. Jeff was happily clicking away with his camera.
This is one of my favourite shots of McKenzie.

We laugh every time we look at this one, Josh looks so graceful. I always knew he would be a good dancer, if only his dad would consider the idea of dance lessons.

And how are the bathroom renovations going? 
Why, thank you for asking.
It should all be finished tomorrow, barring painting around the shower. 
We are very glad that we hired out the shower installation, as the new one was slightly smaller than the old one, necessitating a slight building up of the walls behind it. 
It occurred to me yesterday that I am grateful that we have two bathrooms. Not sure what we would have done without a toilet and shower for two weeks. 
First world problems.

As for me, I am flying out tomorrow, Texas bound. Hopefully, Jeff will have the taxes done by the time I get home next week!
Ha! I get Texas, he gets taxes!
Get it?
Stay tuned for grandbaby photos.


  1. Your snow and frost pictures are just gorgeous! So are the grandkids. :) Enjoy the time in Texas. Hooray for the bathroom!

  2. Ewwww. Now I need to go out to the garage to check my potatoes in case they are oozing :( Have fun in Texas. Looking forward to pictures of those cute grandkids.

  3. Oh yeah there's death, there's taxes, and there's Texas. In that order. Have fun.

  4. Beautiful snow.. lots of goodness here.
