Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nana stories: Part II (The End of Summer Fling, Day 1)

I know what you're thinking.
You mean we have to suffer through more than one day of this?
Yes indeed!

Bethany was bemoaning the fact that there were still two weeks left of summer holidays and wondering if she would survive the torture bliss.
I had a little think to myself as I drove home and decided to invite the kids over for a couple of days of fun in the sun. 
One of my friends does a week-long camp for her grandkids every summer.
I'm not that crazy resourceful, but I figured I had a good twenty-four hours in me.

The next Monday afternoon, Bethany gleefully wistfully dropped them off and danced her way out of the door with Madelyn.

I had done a little prep work and mooched some giant bubble paraphernalia from my friend, Hope. 
Let me tell you, this Nana rocked the entertainment factor that evening! Here is the link to the bubble instructions, just in case you want to be mighty like me.
Or, if you're very polite, I'll give you Hope's number!

Next on the menu was customized individual pizzas for dinner.
I whipped up a gluten-free crust for Josh and he was meticulous in the placement of his toppings: pepperoni, olives, and pineapple.
No cheese for this dairy-free boy!

Here it is, ready to go in the oven. I wish I had gotten a photo of him eating it. I have never seen him eat anything quite so gleefully, with little grunts of satisfaction. He ate almost the whole pizza for dinner and the rest for lunch the next day. This Nana's heart was most delighted.

Kenzie and Natalie with their more traditional pizzas. Natalie discovered that she likes pineapple on her pizza.

Daniel had breadsticks, as usual, and I forgot to take a photo but I would have had to be quick as they were eaten in a flash.

After dinner, we played with the bubbles some more and then got ready for bed.
Pyjamas were donned and teeth cleaned.

We played an excruciatingly long game of Uno and then went to bed.
Promises of "lots of fun tomorrow" quelled their tendency to chatter and they were soon asleep.
My pillow and I were very happy to see each other.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Nana stories: Part I

It was a dark and stormy night....

If you've been reading for any length of time, you know that Jeff and I give our grandchildren gifts of experiences, rather than the usual toys or clothes. Last year in July, I told Bethany we would pay for swimming lessons for Josh for his birthday. Time went by...and by....and by, until I finally learned that Josh didn't want swimming lessons. He is scared of many things, remember? Water is one of them. 
So I planned an outing for Josh and Thomy to the art studio, thus taking care of T's birthday in May this year and J's birthday last year.
Whew. Sometimes the tracking of all this stuff gets a bit convoluted for my aging brain!

So, on a sunny Friday morning, off we trotted to My Masterpiece Art Studio, the setting of many happy outings for the Osborne progeny. 
The first time I took Josh there he refused to make a project and just watched his siblings and cousin. Towards the end of our visit, he decided he wanted to participate, so I let him use some of the clay that the other kids were using, dabbling his toes in the artistic waters, so to speak. I had promised to take him another time, now that he had decided it was an okay thing.

It was Monster Day again! What are the odds of that happening twice, a year apart? 
I told the boys that they could choose two projects each. 
Thomy chose a monster collage and painted an articulated wooden weiner dog that looked just like Squeaker. 
Josh, of course, chose only the collage and could not be bribed, coerced, or otherwise talked into a second one.

The monsters were pretty awesome-looking, don't you agree?

And, just because Josh hardly ever smiles so big on demand, here's another one.

Thomy takes his art quite seriously.

After this we went to Pump It Up, the play zone of inflatable bouncy things, and had lots of fun but no photos. 

And, just for a lark, how about some Madelyn photos to sweeten your day?

What's that you ask? 
What is Josh getting for his latest birthday?
Only tickets to go to a Timbers game with his Papa! I tried to renege on the promise and come up with something else after I found out that all their games were sold out, but someone's Mommy was pretty insistent that He Had Been Told. I swallowed my disgruntlement with ticket scalpers and bought two in the secondary market.
In thirty years, when I am old and decrepit and I ask him, "Josh, what was the best night of your life", he had better say, "The time Papa took me to my first Timbers game"!

The End.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Feeling the love

A couple of weeks ago, I accompanied Bethany and the progeny on an outing to Multnomah Falls, the premier tourist destination in Oregon.
Beware of camera-carrying, silly-shoe-wearing groups of foreigners.
The plan was to hike to the top of the falls, fulfilling a Cub Scout requirement for Daniel.
Pretty sure I was there for damage control, but I'll take what I can get!

Multnomah Falls is actually two separate falls that are about 620 feet high, so it's not an outrageous climb, but can be a bit challenging with small children due to the extreme drop-off on the side of the path. We felt quite smug, being veteran climbers of the cliff, as we passed many poor souls pushing strollers and wearing flip-flops on the path.
Madelyn had the best seat in the house, being snugly carried all the way to the top by her mommy. She felt very secure and slept all the way up. 

Daniel insisted on having his picture taken at every switchback marker. It's kinda nice that the switchbacks are marked now, so that a climber has a general idea of his progress. 
I will not subject you to every photo of Daniel's progress up the mountain, although I will tell you that, for one so young and agile, he did a great deal of happy whining about the length of the hike.
I told him he was a wimp and that Cub Scouts aren't allowed to be wimps.

Here is Josh, our intrepid sports player who is afraid of many things, including steep mountain trails. He clung to my hand all the way up and down, and was much happier when he was on the inside of the trail.
This Nana loved it, because he is usually very independent and rejects my cuddly advances.
(Insert evil laugh here.)
For one with short legs and a tendency towards asthma, Josh was a trooper and kept up his end very well.

There are some glorious spots along the trail, as well as wonderful views of the Columbia River Gorge. Washington State is on the other side of the river.

Miss Natalie, when she is not being the Queen of Horrible, is a sweet little girl who loves to be loved. She was right behind Daniel at every photographic opportunity. Once she realized there was no other choice, she held my other hand all the way up and much of the way down. Natalie always has lots of questions and is the girl who sings along with the radio to every song, perfectly on pitch for some time now at the grand age of four. Her lyrics are sometimes inventive.

Kenzie, the long-legged Fashion Queen, loped along at the front and had to frequently be admonished to slow down. She still loves me, but her friends are seriously horning in on our time together.
Darn that adolescence!

The top of the falls has a viewing platform. You can't see the waterfall, obviously, but the view of the Gorge is spectacular.

The falls are spring-fed and we sat by the stream for a while to recuperate and eat snacks and throw rocks into the water.

I admit that I was a bit nervous going down about Bethany and her precious cargo, because a mis-step would have been disastrous on that steep path, but she was sure-footed every step of the way. 

It was a happy day.
Hope your summer is filled with happy days too.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My sister and me

Here we are, circa 1964-ish.
I think I still have that cardigan that Anne is wearing, only it is navy blue, which tells you what has happened to the colours in the photo over the years.

My darling sister modified a bread recipe and sent it to me. 
What can I say? It is a genetic thing. She calls it "Annifying". I just call it messing around.
Anyway, the recipe is the direct antithesis of my slow-rise bread. 
Which, if you haven't tried yet, you should. 
This recipe is the quickest gun in the West, about an hour and fifteen minutes from finding the mixing bowl to taking out of the oven. I still prefer my original recipe, but this is the one I use if I forget to plan ahead.
Thank you, sister dear.
Oh, and did I mention that I modified it some more?

Quick Wheat Bread
Spray a loaf pan with non-stick spray.
Dissolve 1 tbs honey in 3/4c boiling water. 
Add 1 c cold water and a scant 2 tsp yeast. Set aside for 10 minutes, till yeast is foamy.
Add 1 c white flour, 1 1/2 c wheat flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp chia seed, and about 1/2 to 3/4 c of various things like flax seed, 10-grain cereal, etc.
Mixture will be fairly sloppy. Pour into prepared pan and sprinkle with seeds or nuts if you want. 
Place in a cold oven and turn oven to 180 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes and turn oven up to 400 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Bread will be quite brown (as pictured) and sound hollow when tapped. Put on rack to cool immediately.
This is a heavy and moist loaf, just like I love. The middle will sink a little, in fact I'm working on the texture to see if I can get it to hold the raised middle, but it may be a lost cause. It makes great toast, if it lasts that long. Also, if you have it for more than a couple of days in warm weather, better put it in the fridge or it will mould.

There, easy as pie! 

Anne and I are not ones to pose for photos, apparently, because this is the only recent one I can find of us. 

Just for fun, here is a picture of one of the hummingbirds that flits around in my flowerbeds. He was taking a little break on a gladiolus stem the other day. We get more hummingbird visits every year, and one day I saw two at the same time, a first! I still get excited every time I hear the clicking sound that means they are on the property.

I had a few friends over for lunch a couple of weeks ago. I wanted them to meet two very interesting sisters that I got to know through my senior choir. 
I have a few small vases and I love to fill them with a bloom or two and display them together. These are the flowers I picked for the lunch. I think they're unbearably adorable.

Hot Cocoa rose, Shasta daisy and crocosmia.

Peace rose (always reminds me of my Dad) and hydrangea.

The one in the middle is Double Delight rose, another of our favourites. It smells like a rose should smell.

Do you have fun things planned for August? I was feeling deprived because we did our traveling in June, but we still have one weekend getaway planned for the middle of the month, as well as the free concert every Tuesday and a few other random outings. I suppose I shall survive, but if you have any suggestions, I'm up for almost anything!

Green, clean, chocolate-loving machine

As I was idling away a few hours minutes on facebook the other day, I saw that Stacey, an old friend who runs a carpet-cleaning business from a nearby city, was going to be in our town the next day and was looking for some more work. 
Before I could think better of it, I told him to pay me a visit.
Eek, what was I thinking? 
We put in new carpet about three or four years ago (the years just fly by, don't they?) and I've been procrastinating the evil moment of cleaning for at least two years now. Our warranty is void unless we get the carpet professionally cleaned every 18 months. Oops! So I bit the bullet and spent the next morning moving furniture and vacuuming.

Yes, I single-handedly wrestled everything but the coffee table and the brown couch frames, which were too heavy. 

My adored rocking chair is too wide to fit through a door so it had to keep watch at the end of the hallway.

Stacey helped me move the last of the furniture and then spent the next couple of hours industriously working the carpets. He co-owns a Zerorez franchise, which doesn't use any harsh chemicals or inject too much water into your carpets, so there is no residue and it dries quickly. I was very impressed with how my music room carpet cleaned up,which is a much older carpet and very stained and spotty. Now it looks almost new again.

Consider this my wholehearted endorsement of Zerorez, the green carpet-cleaning company. 
If you have stinky, dirty, nasty carpets, give Stacey a call and tell him I sent you. 
Maybe we'll make him rich.
And maybe he'll give me a cut of the proceeds.

About the cut of the proceeds bit, not the calling Stacey bit.
You know that, right?

While I was moving all the knicknacks that reside on the sofa table, I fell in love again with this card that my Mum sent me several years ago. I loved it so much that I framed it.
And here it is, to sweeten your day too.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

So what's up with you?

Summer is flying by and I have been distracted by some unique projects. Be on the alert for a slew of blog posts!
Enlightenment is imminent.

Jeff and I went to First Friday Art Walk last night, just on a whim. The weather was nice, our allergies have dimmed, and we both needed a break from the computers. After my usual complaint that the art walk has become a wine walk, we went into my favourite art gallery.
Art is a guilty hobby of mine and I rarely exit a gallery without a purchase.
Well, depending on whether tightwad husband is along! If I am with friends, I might carry several small treasures home with me.

I told Jeff, last night, that some day my kids are going sell off all my lovely art at a gigantic garage sale for pennies on the dollar. On the other hand, maybe my taste is so impeccable that they will divide it up without squabbling (because they are good kids that way) and treasure it forever.
Keep an eye on that for me, would ya?

Last night, Jeff would have cheerfully left the gallery without this lovely wine glass, made by a local artist by the name of Greg Johnson.

Greg makes large and small vases and bowls, as well as smaller pieces like mugs and other vessels. 
I have a thing about glass and good pottery that begs to be picked up and caressed. It's a tactile thing. Notice the lovely high gloss of the glaze and the rich colours. His work all has this signature look and I wanted to buy a larger piece, but Jeff reminded me of how much art we have packed into our relatively small house.
I conceded his point, but I wanted to get two of the wine glasses for when we drink our sparkling juice.
Nope. Wouldn't budge.
So my lovely wine glass became a vessel for the ubiquitous pistachios that grace our table.

Classiest. Pistachio. Bowl. Ever!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Redwoods and banana slugs

Do you have a minute?
Or ten? 
Pull up a chair and I'll give you the lowdown on our trip to Trinidad, on the redwood coast of California, on which we embarked two days after returning home from Virginia. This was our second holiday in the redwoods, a little south of the first, and every sight was new to us.

First, there were three chihuahuas. I called them The Three Amigos. 
They ruled the motor home, which belonged to our hosts, Jeff's sister, Theresa, and her crazy husband, Rick.

This is the cast: Theresa and Rick, back right; their neighbours, Bill and Robyn, in front; Rick's Dad and his "friend", back left. "Friend" is hidden behind Bill. 

This is the motor home, so kindly shared with us by Rick and Theresa.
And the Three Amigos.

This is the campfire, built by Rick a least a couple of times a day to combat the mist and chill that is the usual weather on the redwood coast.
And around which we sat one night and sang old 70's songs in the key of C.
I must enlarge my uke chording repertoire! 

This is Rick, running from a banana slug.
I told him a tale about the sexual habits of banana slugs and he has been afraid of them ever since.

Admit it, you want to know, don't you?
Oh, okay, if you insist!
Banana slugs are hermaphrodites. After they have fertilized each other's eggs upon mating, sometimes it is necessary for them to chew off their male appendages. If, you know, they can't get unstuck.

This is one of the elk that we saw on our first day's trip to Fern Canyon. There were several of the animals, just hanging out between the beach and the road, seemingly unafraid of humans.

Fern Canyon is the kind of place that you would never find unless you went looking for it. We drove for hours (well, it seemed like it) over gravelly, bumpy, narrow, mountainous roads. The redwoods were looking great, but the bumps precluded any magnificent photos. We finally pulled out of the forest at the beach, where the elk were grazing. A short walk later, we were in the aptly-named canyon.

I was glad that I had opted for water sandals instead of walking shoes, even not knowing that we would be wading through streams. The water was wonderfully refreshing...

...except for this one spot wherein resided a million millipedes.

They were nasty and smelled quite revolting.

The rest of the short hike was glorious.
Some of us can't resist climbing for a photo op.

The walls of the canyon were dripping water and all of the foliage was green and glistening and my camera lens got droplet-spotted. 

We walked on several beaches. One morning, we unknowingly ended up on a beach that was owned by native Americans.
Well, that was this guy's story, anyway.

He regaled the crew with tales of how he was really a wolf and had seances or something and he demonstrated to Rick how he pukes when he is under the influence of the spirits. Which kind of spirits he did not specify!
I thought Rick would punch him out, but he was remarkably circumspect.
You can see me in the background, pretending I wasn't there.
We found another beach to walk on.
And climbed on a great old redwood for the photo.

I should give credit to Theresa for the remaining photos, as I had packed the wrong charging cord for my camera and wore out the battery in Fern Canyon.
This beach was bordered with some very interesting cliffs. They were clearly stratified and covered in graffiti.

Always climbing.

Can you see the layers? There is one layer, not far from the top, that was made of large, round stones that stuck out from the rest.
Very cool.

And now, some gratuitous beach panoramas.

We visited a little memorial lighthouse that was perched on a cliff above the beach.

Jeff and I climbed down to the beach.
Of course we did!

As the sun was setting, we stood on the beach and watched. I had been nagging the boys to find me a nice piece of redwood to take home. Just a smallish one that no one would miss. Theresa thought that maybe this one would do.

But, being from Oregon, where nasty accidents often happen because of logs rolling in the surf, I thought this one might be safer.

Only it wasn't redwood, so I declined.

One morning, Rick's Dad took us all out to breakfast at the Samoa Cookhouse. Back in the days of logging redwoods, it used to be a camp cookhouse where all the loggers ate. Food is still served family-style and it was plenteous and delicious.
If you look at the photo on the left, it shows some loggers sitting on a redwood tree. Its diameter was 26 feet. The restaurant is packed with historic treasures from the 1880's to 1920's, when logging of the redwoods was rampant. It kills me that the lumber lords cut down trees that were so magnificent and thousands of years old. I'm not anti-logging, but when I researched the topic, I discovered that redwood is not a good wood for construction because it is fibrous and brittle. Fifty percent of the wood that was cut down didn't even make it to the mills, because it shattered on impact. The wood was used for things like matchsticks, shingles, and fence-posts.
We took the lords of the forest and turned them into matchsticks.
Can we all take a minute and reflect on that?

We visited Ferndale, a quaint little town that is full of astounding architectural details.
This is the house of the original lumber lord. It's now an exclusive country club.

Driving around the streets gave us plenty to admire in the way of residential and commercial architecture.

The morning of July 4th dawned bright and sunny, a pleasant surprise. I took myself off for a (so I thought) short run down the highway. As usual, I bit off a bit more than I could chew and ended up going almost four miles. Considering I hadn't run much in the last few months, I felt pretty good. The campground owners hosted a scrumptiously catered barbecue feast for lunch, so we stuck around and did it justice. 
Here's a nibble you can't resist. Picture a waffle-shaped pretzel with a Rolo chocolate slightly melted and pressed on top, then a pecan pressed on top of that.
I ate about a kazillion, and then we went home.