Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sisters, sisters....

...There were never such devoted sisters. Irving Berlin.

Kenzie and Natalie spent the night on Friday. Now, you have to understand that Natalie is adorable, full of personality and audacity. She also has regular meltdowns, being possessed of a "sensitive" disposition. So life is amusing and .... interesting ... when Natalie is in town.
I wasn't sure if Natalie would sleep the whole night through. Last week she slept in our bedroom and woke briefly in the wee hours of the morning, so I was a little worried. I awoke feeling very rested on Saturday morning and thought to myself, "Wow, Natalie slept all night, how great was that?"

Here is Kenzie's story.
Nana, Natalie woke up screaming. I had to get her out of the playpen, she was really heavy. I put her in bed with me, next to the wall so that she wouldn't fall out. But I couldn't sleep with her in my bed so I had to put her back in the playpen. She was really heavy!

All that and I didn't hear a peep! 
Kenzie and Natalie slept late.
So did Great Nana. 
Their rooms are next to each other.

Kenzie is a devoted big sister, full of love and patience. For all her "blondeness", she is all heart. I wish that I had been half as good a big sister as is she.


  1. That is so sweet! Sisters are such good friends!

  2. Well you didn't have six years in between you and Auntie Anne. Natalie's like a little Annie wouldn't you say? :D
