Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Of graves and sniffles

In deference to my nasty head cold, which I won't mention because Jenny said it's tacky, I will be short on words.
This is Sunday's sunset, completely unedited.

Jeff and I had been over to the Friends' Cemetery to try to get some pictures of gravestones. I joined this site after taking a little detour during my day with Jenny in Columbia. It's pretty awesome. You sign up to go find gravestones for people who are working on their genealogy, take a photo of them and then upload them to the site. I'm not as into genealogy as the rest of my family so I thought this could be my contribution. 

Today, I dragged myself out of my sickbed and finally found the stones.
Mission accomplished.
And now, back to bed.


  1. Beautiful sunset! Hope you feel better soon. :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Sue!

  3. Hoping you feel better. Colds are nasty, I have been fighting whatever Stephanie has brought home from school for at least a week. Everyone is sneezing at work. I guess the seasonal change has something to do with it, stress perhaps? Drink lots of warm/hot lemonade, it will help!

  4. Awwww! Sorry you're sick! And a passing mention that you're not feeling well isn't tacky. It's when you blog your entire medical history, every detail of each symptom you are having, the medicines you are taking, which doctors you've seen, the minutiae of each and every diagnosis, prognosis, and proboscis ... that it gets tacky.

    I actually know of bloggers like that. Reading their blog is eerily similar to sitting down with a cup of tea and their medical records from the last five years. They need to become acquainted with HIPAA ... and perhaps, ahem, a bit of restraint.

    But I dither! How wonderful that you're helping out on Find-A-Grave! I love that site! And thanks for being such a good sport when we went grave-hunting. That was fun.

    Your sunset photo is truly spectacular. Now go get well!

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous sunset! Love the grave pic - Paul (my hubby) tells stories of gave stone hunting with his mom when he was a kid and doing rubbings of the stones. :-D

    I hope you feel better soon!
