Thursday, September 23, 2010

Trailing clouds of glory do we come

My Mum loves clouds.
She comments on them regularly, until you could cheerfully consign the whole cloud genre to oblivion.
It is both endearing and maddening.
But the fact remains that a never-ending blue sky is the stuff of which nightmares are made.

I've been thinking about that lately, about the beauty that clouds bring to the sky. 
Without clouds, there would be no colour in the sunset.
No silver linings.
No cleansing and nourishing rain to fall from the sky.
No respite from the sun's glare on a summer day.
No weather.
No life.

So I shall take my clouds with a side of silver and crimson, thank you very much.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.
Psalms 19:1


  1. Sue! This is a wonderful post. What a great thought and so true. The clouds in our life make the sunshine more beautiful too!

  2. That's funny, I was just thinking about clouds tonight as I was walking with Tony. I couldn't keep my eyes off the sky and all the various shades of gray and different kinds of clouds. Last night there was a beautiful full moon and there were these big puffy clouds blowing past the moon so fast so you would catch the bright moon in between the clouds as they blew by. It was quite mesmerizing.

  3. I guess you'd consign me to oblivion too, because like your Mum I never stop commenting on the clouds! They fascinate me to no end. Just yesterday as I drove to my hair appointment, I wanted several times to pull over and take pictures. I stayed on track only by reminding myself that there will be others ... many, many others just as beautiful and some more so. But there was that one with the sun behind it, and it was hot silver all around the edges, and there were glorious shooters ...

  4. I love to look at clouds, also. The big puffy ones, the little wispy ones and the big dark ones that bring rain and thunder storms. They are mesmerizing and beautiful. I especially love to see the sun shining through them and it looks like you can almost glimpse heaven. They truly are a work of wonder and beuaty.
