Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 18: The Milkmaid

A few months ago, I discovered raw milk.

At first, it seemed a little  gross, but I knew it was better for the body than the highly processed product that we find in the grocery store. If you think I am weird, go take a look at the information on this website.
I know that some of you probably think that drinking raw milk is bound to end in disaster some day, but I have researched it thoroughly and am satisfied that the farmer uses good practices and the cows are happy and well-pastured.
See that layer of cream on top?
That, my friends, is real milk.
And do you love the carafe on the left (made in France) that I found at a garage sale this summer and fits one half-gallon of milk exactly?
Sometimes my life is just one long flow of serendipity.

Today, I am thankful for Christine at Cast Iron Farms, a wee dynamo of a girl who gets up early every day of the year to milk her beloved cows so that people like me can drink their lovely creamy milk. She home schools her two children and takes care of pigs and horses and chickens and rabbits and sheep and goats and turkeys and her vegetable garden and somehow manages to be smiling every time I see her.

Christine and her family are living their dream, homesteading on a few acres in McMinnville. 
I am thankful that, for now at least, small farmers in Oregon can still sell their milk to people like me, who are trying to get back to real food.


  1. I grew up on a farm and we always drank raw milk. I hated having to drink milk at friends homes as I thought the store bought stuff tasted awful! I'm sure the natural stuff is more healthy.
    PS - I've just finished watching all the Call the Midwives shows. I really enjoyed them!

  2. I've seen the raw milk at our favorite health food store, 14 Carrot. The sign of disclaim is so alarming, I can't bring myself to buy any! Although, Ed who owns the store assured TG he only posts the sign because he is required to by law. I don't drink milk aside from my half-and-half in morning coffee, but honestly I think America was greater and Americans had way more integrity (not to mention a moral compass) when folks lived on farms and drank raw milk. So I'm all for it. Looks delish.

  3. We are new customers at Cast Iron, our previous raw milk farmer deciding to get out of the raw milk business, at least for now. However, I've known Christine for a number of years and she is such a hard-worker. I really appreciate having such close access to delicious, healthy milk!
