Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thirty days of thankful

Yes, I know, I've got some catching up to do!
I started this little project on facebook, but then decided may, just maybe, I could manage slightly longer efforts with photos to boot! 

I am so thankful to live in this great country. It is the the third nation that I have called home, and I am proud and grateful for the part that each has played in my life. 
I love England for its tenacity and history and beauty and for the greatness of the generation that endured and fought the Second World War. And most of all because of the people, my people, who call it home. 
I love New Zealand for its heart and its food and its hills and native flora and fauna. And for the people, my people, who call it home. 
These two places call to me constantly with promises of welcome, comfort, and the familiar embrace of family and friends. I will yearn for them until the day I die.
But America is the country that inspires my imagination with a hope of true freedom. It is here that Jeff and I began our life together with nothing but love and dreams to our name. Almost thirty-three years later, we are surrounded by beloved family and friends and unlimited opportunity to help others. We are debt-free, educated, and employed. Things have been difficult for many people lately, but I still believe that the foundation of America allows for prosperity for all, if they are willing to work for it. 
God Bless the U.S.A. 
And vote wisely.

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