Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Morning magic

Four little munchkins are keeping me very busy this morning.
Bethany and Chris are off celebrating their tenth anniversary.
We won't even talk about bedtime last night.
It was a zoo.
I was hoping to fall back in bed after Jeff left for work, but, one by one, they all awoke.
I remembered that the drip hose has been slowly hydrating the grape vines for the last two days.
So much for my water bill.
So I went outside to turn off the tap and found some pretty sights in the morning glow.

That's all I got folks!
The two big ones are watching Mirrormask, a particularly hallucinogenic movie.
The two little ones are playing legos.
I think I shall attempt a little proneness, before the children ramp up into full gear.


  1. Mornings are so pretty in pictures. Have fun with the kids - hope you get some sleep!

  2. Well, I can't say that the picture of the spider was nice, although the web was pretty and it was outside which is always a plus. The grapes look scrumptious and the flowers beautiful. You definitely have a way with plants. Maybe I should hire you to come help me decide how to landscape my barren backyard. Other than our metal garden beds and two potted blueberry bushes, we have nothing. I really need some colorful flowers back there.

  3. Good luck! (What does proneness mean?) (I guess I could just look it up myself...)

  4. So how come your grape vines are loaded? Ours have nothing! Love the rose. I miss mine since I had to take them out for our still-waiting-for deck remodel.

  5. I'm w/ you on "proneness." Brent and Corbin have been getting up @ 5am to get Corbin to polo practice by 6. I get up to have a prayer w/ them, and that's the end of "proneness."

  6. AH! that ROSE! Love it! I just got back from two days with Melly & Lissy and could use a bit of proneness myownself. You're doing great, Nana!
