My friend Brenda suggested I check out HeyIt'sFree.
I rapidly became converted.
I spend, maybe, three minutes a day, checking the website and applying for free stuff. The auto-fill option on your computer makes it really easy. Almost every day I get free stuff in my mailbox. Here's a photo of some of the goodies that have arrived lately. Hair care, skin care, ear plugs, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, deodorants (oops, I forget to put those in the picture) and medical supplies.
That doesn't even include all of the sanitary supplies (some things just don't need to be photographed) and edibles that have already been edibled.
There's a link to the site in my blog list if you, too, want to be a blessed recipient of all this bounty.
Some things to think about:
I never give them my real birth date.
I don't apply for things I won't use, or that someone I love won't use. I do send off for pet food items because I have several friends who use them.
I have a separate email account that I give to the suppliers so that my Juno account doesn't get clogged up with emails. Then, I will often unsubscribe if I don't want to continue getting mail from those companies.
Now, does anyone need small-sized bubble-wrap envelopes?
I have an abundance of them.
If those envelopes can hold a cd then I could use them! I'm gonna go check that site out...
ReplyDeleteThese are a perfect size for CD's. Let me know when you want to come and get them.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fantastic post! I'm gonna do this.
ReplyDeleteThanks, luvvy!